18-02-2025 01:50:50 pm

PPSC junior clerk job related MCQs 2025

  • 15 cattle can graze a field in 20 days 20 cattle can graze 3 such field in how many days?

    A. 30

    B. 45

    C. 60

    D. 50

  • If a > b and b > a. Then ?

    A. a=b

    B. a ≠ b

    C. Cannot be evaluated

    D. None

  • جب کسی لفظ کے آخر میں اضافی الفاظ شامل کیے جائیں تو وہ کیا کہلاتے ہیں؟

    A. مترادف

    B. سابقہ

    C. مرکب

    D. لاحقہ

  • غزوۂ احزاب میں مشرک عمرو بن عبدود کو کس نے قتل کیا؟

    A. حضرت ابو بکر

    B. حضرت علی

    C. حضرت عمر

    D. حضرت خالد بن ولید

  • Which river crosses the tropic of capricorn twice?

    A. Niger river

    B. sindhu river

    C. Vaal river

    D. Zambezi river

  • South Sudan is the latest member of the UN, officially joined in ___________?

    A. 2000

    B. 1900

    C. 2011

    D. 2020

  • _____________ died while standing with the support of a stick?

    A. Hazrat Suleman A.S

    B. Hazrat Musa A.S

    C. Hazrat Haroon A.S

    D. Hazrat Essa A.S

  • How many pilots with “dubious” licenses were grounded after the announcement by former aviation minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan?

    A. 141

    B. 262

    C. 150

    D. 200

  • Who is the Current Ambassador of Pakistan to Hungary?

    A. Ali nawaz

    B. Muhammad Aejaz

    C. Salman mirza

    D. Asif Hussain Memon

  • Begum Nusrat Bhutto (BNB) Women university is located at ____________?

    A. Naudero, Larkana

    B. Faiz Gunj , Khairpur Mirs

    C. Rohri , Sukkur

    D. Daur ,Nawabshah

  • Meaning of the idiom: talking twenty to the dozen.

    A. Talking too much

    B. Talking out of turn

    C. Talking without making any sense

    D. Talking rapidly and without stopping.

  • Shortcut to insert new slide in the current presentation is ______________.

    A. Ctrl+N

    B. Ctrl+D

    C. Ctrl+O

    D. Ctrl+M

  • What is “Docs”?

    A. A type of software

    B. A file extension for MS Word documents

    C. A tool for editing images

    D. An email provider

  • Which is the heaviest planet in the solar system?

    A. Earth

    B. Jupiter

    C. Saturn

    D. Neptune

  • How many base SI units are there in SI unit system?

    A. 7

    B. 6

    C. 12

    D. None of These

  • Surah Ankaboot means ___________?

    A. Cat

    B. Cockroach

    C. Horse

    D. Spider

  • Where is river Thames?

    A. England

    B. Thailand

    C. Germany

    D. Russia

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