18-02-2025 03:06:26 pm
  • 1 inch is equal to ___________ centimeters?

    A. 3.2 cm

    B. 6.9 cm

    C. 1.82 cm

    D. 2.54 cm

  • If a dice is rolled twice then what is the probability that the sum of the number of dots shown is 8?

    A. 5/36

    B. 4/36

    C. 1/12

    D. 1/2

  • If n(U)=60, n(A)= 35, n(B)=24, and n(AUB)’=10 then n(A∩B) is ____________?

    A. 9

    B. 8

    C. 10

    D. None of these

  • Double entry means______________?

    A. Entry in two sets of books

    B. Entry at two ends

    C. Entry at two dates

    D. Entry for two aspects of the transaction

  • Obligation of the Business are known as___________?

    A. Assets

    B. Expenses

    C. Liabilities

    D. Revenues

  • Sales return is also known as____________?

    A. Return received

    B. Return outward

    C. Return inward

    D. Return Payed

  • Cash brought by the owner to start business is called__________?

    A. Drawing

    B. Loan

    C. Capital

    D. None of these

  • Balance of cashbook shows the: __________?

    A. Difference between income and expenditure

    B. Total of cash available

    C. Interest earned

    D. Deposited amount in bank

  • جگت استاد سے کیا مراد ہے۔؟

    A. مزاحیہ

    B. سنجیدہ

    C. کاریگر

    D. نااہل

  • جب کسی لفظ کے آخر میں اضافی الفاظ شامل کیے جائیں تو وہ کیا کہلاتے ہیں؟

    A. مترادف

    B. سابقہ

    C. مرکب

    D. لاحقہ

  • میراجی کا تعلق اُردو ادب کی کس تحریک سے تھا؟

    A. رومانوی تحریک

    B. ترقی پسند تحریک

    C. دار المعنقين

    D. حلقہ ارباب ذوق

  • غزوۂ احزاب میں مشرک عمرو بن عبدود کو کس نے قتل کیا؟

    A. حضرت ابو بکر

    B. حضرت علی

    C. حضرت عمر

    D. حضرت خالد بن ولید

  • رحمان بابا کس دور کا تھا؟

    A. مغل دور

    B. برطانوی دور

    C. درانی دور

    D. None of these

  • Element extracted from Sea water?

    A. Magnesium

    B. Beryllium

    C. Aluminium

    D. None of these

  • What are Prime Numbers?

    A. Which can be divided by Even Numbers

    B. Which can be divided by Number 1 & by itself Number

    C. Which can be divided by Odd Numbers

    D. Which can be divided by any Number

  • A man spend Rs. 3300. This was 75% of his monthly income. His monthly income is__________?

    A. 4000

    B. 4400

    C. 5000

    D. 5400

  • The average of 11 numbers is 10.9. If the average of first six is 10.5 and that of the last six is 11.4 the sixth number is_____________?

    A. 11.0

    B. 11.3

    C. 11.4

    D. 11.5

  • Masood purchased a plot for Rs. 8,000. He sells the plot to Aftab at a profit of 20%. Aftab in turn sells that plot to Zahid at a loss of 20%. The plot costs Zahid ?

    A. Rs. 12,000

    B. Rs. 10,000

    C. Rs. 8670

    D. Rs. 7680

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