18-02-2025 03:16:10 pm
  • One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) summit-2017 was held in May in___________?

    A. Pakistan

    B. Iran

    C. India

    D. China

  • Which Regiment of Pakistan Army has awarded maximum number of Nishan-e-Haider?

    A. Pakhtunkhuwah Regiment

    B. Punjab Regiment

    C. Sindh Regiment

    D. Balochistan Regiment

  • Which river crosses the tropic of capricorn twice?

    A. Niger river

    B. sindhu river

    C. Vaal river

    D. Zambezi river

  • Which is _________ smallest desert in the world?

    A. the Gobi

    B. The Carcross Desert

    C. Arctic Desert

    D. Great Australian Desert

  • Which country is the newest UN member?

    A. South Sudan

    B. Vatican City

    C. Palestine

    D. None of these

  • South Sudan is the latest member of the UN, officially joined in ___________?

    A. 2000

    B. 1900

    C. 2011

    D. 2020

  • What was the former name of Belarus?

    A. Belorussia

    B. Chad

    C. Hungo

    D. None

  • Boko Haram is an extremist group in: ___________?

    A. Kenya

    B. Nigeria

    C. Libya

    D. Somalia

  • When did incident of Karbala occur?

    A. 12 October 680

    B. 16 October 680

    C. 10 October 680

    D. 14 October 680

  • _____________ died while standing with the support of a stick?

    A. Hazrat Suleman A.S

    B. Hazrat Musa A.S

    C. Hazrat Haroon A.S

    D. Hazrat Essa A.S

  • The first Ashra of Ramazan is called ______.

    A. Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum

    B. Ashra-e-Maghfirat

    C. Ashra-e-Rehmat

    D. All of these

  • When the month of Ramazan comes, the doors of the Heaven are opened and the doors of hell are closed.”It is______.

    A. Hadith

    B. Quranic Ayat

    C. Both A & B

    D. None of these

  • Doors of Hell are ____________?

    A. 6

    B. 7

    C. 8

    D. 9

  • The Universal Service Fund (USF) awarded a contract worth _________ million to a private cellular operator for deploying broadband services in North Waziristan tribal district?

    A. 230 million

    B. 248 million

    C. 258 million

    D. 268 million

  • Which airline becomes first international airline to operate direct flights to Fujairah?

    A. Novoair

    B. Biman

    C. PIA

    D. Air Blue

  • Which Pakistani airline received Third Country Operator (TCO) authorization from the European Commission along with PIA?

    A. Airblue

    B. Air Sial

    C. Shaheen Airlines

    D. Serene Air

  • How many pilots with “dubious” licenses were grounded after the announcement by former aviation minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan?

    A. 141

    B. 262

    C. 150

    D. 200

  • Who is the Current Ambassador of Pakistan to Hungary?

    A. Ali nawaz

    B. Muhammad Aejaz

    C. Salman mirza

    D. Asif Hussain Memon

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